Any good movement should be driven by a core set of principles that its members believe in. Here are ours –

  1. Every human is valuable.
  2. Every human starts from a place of wanting to be good and do good.
  3. All humans value freedom.
  4. Democracy is the most effective form of government at safeguarding the freedom of its citizens.
  5. Laws that are of the greatest total benefit and lasting value to the citizenry are the result of compromise and do not represent solely the opinion of a slim majority of the citizenry.
  6. Social media algorithms, the destruction of the traditional news media’s factual-news-business-model by the Internet, the rise of news as opinion/entertainment, the liberal takeover of higher education, the counter-reaction and loss of trust in these institutions, the politically correct intolerance of any speech other than liberal speech, and the counter-reaction, the stress of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the release of that stress in the form of violent demonstrations on both ends of the political spectrum, and the hypocritical condemnation of said violence only on the other end of the spectrum, the rise of two American presidents who acted with unprecedented dishonesty, and the resulting loss of trust, and the rise of ideology over common sense, have, as of 2022, resulted in an unprecedented polarization of American politics that endangers the future prosperity and national security of America.
  7. There is an urgent need to counter this polarization by organizing the vast majority of the citizenry that reside in the political center.